wtorek, 31 grudnia 2024

Moja lista wszechczasów

1. No Excuses - Alice In Chains

2. The Changeling - The Doors

3. Scentless Apprentice - Nirvana

4. The National Anthem - Radiohead

5. There's A Place - The Beatles

6. "Loftarasa" - Sigur Ros

7. Thirty Three - Smashing Pumpkins

8. Nightswimming - R.E.M.

9. Time - Pink Floyd

10. Radio Ga Ga - Queen

sobota, 28 grudnia 2024

Dwunastka Richtera - pierwsze podejście

1. Mnemographies (From The Art Of Mirrors)

2. Sunlight (Songs From Before)

3. Cradle Song For A (24 Postcards In Full Colour)

4. On The Nature Of Daylight (The Blue Notebooks)

5. Love Song (In A Landscape)

6. Spring 1 (Vivaldi Recomposed)

7. Return 2 (Sleep)

8. She Remembers (The Leftovers)

9. Dona Nobis Pacem 2 (The Leftovers)

10. Summer 1 (Vivaldi Recomposed)

11. Infra 8 (Infra)

12. The Quality Of Mercy (The Leftovers)


13. War Anthem (Three Worlds)

14. Landscape With Figure (Memoryhouse)

15. November (Memoryhouse)

16. Non-eternal (Sleep)

wtorek, 10 grudnia 2024



1. Alice In Chains - Unplugged

2. The Doors - L.A. Woman

3. Nirvana - In Utero

Pop (bez albumów)

1. Abba

2. Peter Gabriel

3. The Dó


1. Bach - Koncerty brandenburskie

2. Vivaldi - Cztery pory roku

3. Mozart - Requiem


1. Jeremy Soule - Oblivion

2. Olafur Arnalds - For Now I Am Winter

3. Max Richter - The Blue Notebooks